- Extend concept of biobanks as data integration centres delivering quality-defined rich data: directly collected data (clinical, phenotypical) extended with sample derived (omics, imaging etc.) and linkable to other types of data (e.g., environmental);
- Expand number of non-biobank biomolecular resources in BBMRI-ERIC;
- Increase speed at which biobanks provide data and associated biological material to the researchers;
- Increase visibility of biobanks and biomolecular resources:
- by making their services beyond current access to retrospective samples/data discoverable and accessible;
- by making existing collections of quality-defined rich data available to efficient discovery and analyses (after access approval).
- Develop mechanisms to document quality of data along the whole chain from donor to sample to data in a
machine-actionable manner using provenance, based on ongoing development of ISO 23494 series led by
- Boost IT expertise in BBMRI-ERIC Nodes to support this process, by developing joint Task Forces and
developing common dissemination materials based on or similar to RDMkit and FAIRassist;
- Develop mechanisms for biobanks to scale out with capacities using state-of-the-art encryption solutions and secure processing mechanisms such as secure multiparty computing for safe deposition of sensitive data in
cloud infrastructures.
Start Date (in Month): 1
End Date (in Month): 36
Task leaders:
BBMRI-ERIC, all National nodes