Duration: 36 months
Start date: 1 March 2025
Grant agreement: 101188168
Web: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101188168
Total request Grant by Consortium: € 9,998,828.75
Total request Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: € 354,250.00
BBMRI-ERIC contributes to:
WP1: Project, ethics, and data management compliance
WP2: DEP data lifecycle management
WP5: Co-design and integrated validation
WP6: Maximising the impact
Project description: Scientific discoveries increasingly rely on data and AI. Research infrastructures (RIs) generate huge amounts of complex data, but managing, analysing and using this information is becoming a major challenge. Scientists often lack the large-scale tools and expertise needed to process data quickly and effectively. With this in mind, the EU-funded RI-SCALE project is tackling this issue by creating scalable Data Exploitation Platforms. These platforms will combine scientific data with preconfigured AI tools and powerful computing resources, unlocking their full potential. Working with four RIs (ENES, EISCAT, BBMRI and Euro-BioImaging), RI-SCALE will test the technology in environmental and life sciences. It will also foster collaborations to help more RIs adopt these innovations.
Data and AI are the fuel of scientific discoveries, and Research Infrastructures (RIs) are at the forefront of this process, generating massive and increasingly more complex datasets. However, the growing size, diversity, and velocity of research data and software demand large-scale infrastructures and technical expertise from those on the user side.
RI-SCALE will address this challenge by delivering Data Exploitation Platforms (DEPs). These scalable environments will co-host scientific data with preconfigured AI frameworks and models on powerful compute resources and unlock full data and AI potential for scientific users, RI operators and industry. RI-SCALE will design and develop the DEP technology with four RIs: ENES, EISCAT, BBMRI and Euro-BioImaging. DEP instances will be deployed for environmental and life sciences, validating the technology through 8 scientific and 4 technical use cases. These will run on national e-infrastructures from the EGI Federation and (pre)exascale machines from EuroHPC.
RI-SCALE will collaborate with Destination Earth, EUCAIM cancer images data space, Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem, EOSC and Gaia-X to ensure interoperability within the broader landscape. The project will also facilitate industry and university collaborations, provide training and consultancy events to increase the uptake of AI technologies by additional RIs and explore sustainable DEP operation models for RI communities.