The colorectal cancer cohort (CRC-Cohort) is developed within the EU-funded project ADOPT BBMRI-ERIC (H2020) as a use case for piloting access to European biobanks.
The CRC-Cohort is developed by BBMRI-ERIC, its National Nodes and BBMRI-ERIC partner biobanks, and it will become a permanent asset of the BBMRI-ERIC infrastructure after the end of the ADOPT project. The CRC-Cohort collection is a joint long-term European endeavor, which enables existing, well-established biobanks to connect with BBMRI-ERIC and obtain increased recognition and visibility along with new users and data.
Currently, the CRC-Cohort numbers over 10,000 datasets from across Europe.
The CRC-Cohort is expected to enable high-quality research and innovation to improve colorectal cancer treatment. The cohort should enable a large spectrum of different types of research and is therefore not restricted to any specific research question. The procedures and IT tools developed within the CRC-Cohort are expected to be reusable for similar future efforts on different disease entities implemented using BBMRI-ERIC as an infrastructure.
Biobanks Contributing to the BBMRI-ERIC CRC-Cohort