“I would say that being in BBMRI-ERIC is a very good thing: it makes you sure that you are doing great things and you are going along with other countries which are much bigger, with more resources, more scientist, everything more” Andres Metspalu, BBMRI.ee.
This is a two-part episode which shares stories from across BBMRI-ERIC’s Member States and communities that were presented at the BBMRI-ERIC 10th anniversary workshop. Each story demonstrates the wide-ranging expertise and impact of the research infrastructure that our community both shapes and benefits from.
In this episode, you will hear impact stories from our IT and ELSI services introduced by Petr Holub, BBMRI-ERIC Chief Information Officer, and Michaela Th. Mayrhofer, Head of BBMRI ELSI. You will first meet Andres Metspalu, representing BBMRI.ee and Michael Hummel, representing the German National Node.
These are followed by two impact stories from Annelies Debucquoy and Zisis Kozlakidis, respectively National Node Director for Belgium and IARC/WHO.
Look out for part two that will contain stories from Quality Management and Biobanking Development.