The second stop of our EBW22 Roadshow will be in Rome (Italy), 13-14 October. BBMRI-ERIC and ESBB organize this EBW22 Roadshow stage in partnership with the BBMRI ERIC Stakeholder Forum Patient Pillar,, the Research Translational (IRCCS) Paediatric Bambino Gesù Hospital, and the paediatric network IDEA.
Paediatric (research) biobanking is a European priority asking for a scientific and Ethical-Legal-Societal-ELS shift within a Responsible Research & Innovation – RRI framework. Accordingly, our critical starting point will be an overall view of European commitment to paediatric research and healthcare and an in-depth exchange on good practices and priorities of various actors to raise awareness, facilitate assent and consenting processes, and improve engagement. Promoting practical solutions, we will address challenges of biobanking with children (earlier, over time, and following up), such as: how empowering new generations makes better research and a better research experience? Which tools to inform and increase the minor’s understanding? By whom is the child’s capacity (to understand, to assent) assessed? How do engage minors and their parents (guardians) over time and recognize them as active research participants?
Check the programme here.
Keep your eyes open to not miss this participatory stage and the registration launch. Seats are limited!
As a practical recommendation: October is the high tourist season in Rome; book in advance the sooner the better!
A preliminary list of convenient accommodation possibilities can be found HERE.