The past year has been dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has not only influenced planned activities but also stimulated rapid responses from the scientific community for contributing to the acceleration of transnational research, ultimately for the benefit of patients and society at large. As an organisation, BBMRI-ERIC was able to rapidly adjust to remote working conditions and new scientific challenges.
We are proud to share with you the Annual Report 2020, where we highlight the key achievements of BBMRI during a challenging year. In addition to a detailed section on BBMRI-ERIC’s main activities, the report contains an overview of the National Nodes’ activities and the EU projects that BBMRI-ERIC is currently involved in.
In particular, we welcomed Lithuania as our fifth Observer on 15th April 2020; the National Cancer Institute (NCI) was nominated as the Lithuanian National Biobank Node (; LBN).
Find out more by reading the Annual Report here.