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Netherlands (Member)

Contact: Dr. Jörg Hamann (MC representative)


The Dutch Node of BBMRI has been established through subsequent programmes sponsored by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). Between 2008-2014, set up a collaboration between existing clinical and population biobanks in the Netherlands and formed the link to BBMRI-ERIC. aimed at enrichment and harmonisation of Dutch biobanks including data management and analysis, laying legal, social, and ethical foundations and to improve access to and interoperability between biobanks.

Between 2015-2019, the focus moved towards making the infrastructure for joint biobank activities in the Netherlands future-proof. After a bridging period, parts of the portfolio have been integrated, together with the Parelsnoer initiative for clinical biobanks, into the national health & life sciences data infrastructure Health-RI, which receives funding for the years 2023-2029 from a National Growth Funds of the Dutch government. operates mainly within the Health-RI pillar Biobank & Collections and applies the organisational structure of Health-RI with a national hub and regional nodes centered at the Dutch academic hospitals. facilitates the harmonised collection, management, and availability of health data, biological samples, and images originating from a wide range of registries, cohorts, data banks, and biobanks. focusses on three main activities:

  1. Promoting harmonisation by (further) developing and implementing procedures, guidelines, and standards for biological samples, image and associated data collections based on evidence and (inter)national alignment;
  2. Providing support by (co-) developing, implementing, advertising, and supporting Health-RI infrastructure and services that enable the finding and sharing of biological samples, images, and associated data;
  3. Distributing knowledge with added value for the biobanks and collections via websites, contribution to current discussions, and gatherings of the community, such as the annual Biobanks & Collections Day.

The goals of are realised in close collaboration with other ESFRIs. Health-RI envisions to establish and manage an ESFRI-overarching service portfolio (a so-called “house of services”) to support health & life sciences researchers in the Netherlands, which is based on the developed infrastructural solutions from these individual ESFRIs, including BBMRI, ELIXIR, EATRIS, and EuroBioImaging.

National Node Director

Prof. Nine Knoers

National Node Director

Prof. Gerrit Meijer

National Node Management Committee Representative


The website was co-funded within ADOPT BBMRI-ERIC, a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 676550.
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