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IARC/WHO (Observer)


Dr. Zisis Kozlakidis (National Node Director)



The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is a unique organization. For almost 50 years, since its creation by the World Health Assembly of the World Health Organization (WHO), the Agency has been making important contributions to the global fight against cancer, notably through its capacity to bring together people and organizations from across the world that share common values and objectives.

IARC is first and foremost a research organization, providing new knowledge to reduce the global burden of cancer. In addition, its place within WHO and the wider United Nations family provides unparalleled opportunities to encourage cooperation and provide leadership among the international cancer community. Through the generosity and vision of its Governing Council, IARC has a global mandate, permitting a focus on developing countries where resources are most needed and cancer remains an often neglected disease.

Furthermore, the independence of IARC enables it to provide reliable and authoritative assessments of many facets of cancer information valued by scientists, governments, nongovernmental organizations and the public the world over.

The Agency is a catalyst for progress. At any one time, about 300 people from some 50 countries are working for IARC at its Lyon headquarters. However, the number of people working with IARC worldwide stretches into the thousands through its wide network of collaborations and partnerships. With the excellent quality of its scientists and support staff, their integrity and their collective motivation to relieve cancer-related suffering, the Agency provides a rallying point for translating research into tangible benefits in improved health for people everywhere.


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National Node Director


The website was co-funded within ADOPT BBMRI-ERIC, a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 676550.
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