Anne-Marie Vangsted, MSc
Website: coming soon
There are more than 200 local biobanks at Danish hospitals. These are mostly research biobanks established as part of a specific research project. The main purpose of the Danish National Biobank (hosted at Statens Serum Institut) is to give scientists from Denmark and abroad an overview of, and access to, biological samples in both existing and future collections.
This work is expanded by collaboration with other major Danish biobanks in the Danish Biobank Register (“Det Nationale Biobankregister”), a national cooperation in which large biobanks based at hospitals, universities and other research institutions in Denmark regularly submit data to the Register.
“Det Nationale Biobankregister” is a registry of samples and data from 12 biobanks. Some samples are almost 50 years old, and all can be linked with data from a host of national registries. This biobank data can be linked to disease codes and demographic information from national administrative registers on an individual level.
Aggregated results about the available biological material are displayed to researchers around the world through a web-based search system, to date containing information on 27.4 million biological samples from 5.9 million Danes.