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BBMRI-ERIC Governance Structure

BBMRI-ERIC is governed by the following bodies:

  • Assembly of Members
  • Management Committee
  • Steering Committee
  • Finance Committee
  • Stakeholder Forum
  • Scientific and Ethical Advisory Board


See below for more detailed information.


You can download our Statutes here.



The Assembly of Members shall be the body by which the Members take collective decisions on matters relating to BBMRI-ERIC. Those decisions shall then be implemented by the Director-General, together with the staff of the Central Executive Management Office and the Management Committee. (Statutes, Article 9.1)

The Assembly of Members shall be constituted through the first meeting of the Members after the establishment of BBMRI as an ERIC. (Statutes, Article 9.2)

The Assembly of Members shall be composed of all Members of BBMRI-ERIC. Each Member shall be represented by up to two delegates officially appointed by the competent authority. They may be accompanied by a maximum of three advisors who may act as alternates to the delegates. Members shall state in the appointment letter the name of the delegate with voting rights and the order of representation. (Statutes, Article 9.3)


The responsibilities of the Assembly of Members are further specified in the Statutes, Article 9.6



According to the internal Rules of Procedure of the Finance Committee:

The Finance Committee shall be composed of one representative of each Member of BBMRI-ERIC who shall be officially appointed by the competent authority of each Member. Delegates may be accompanied by a maximum of two advisors who may act as proxies to the delegates. Members shall state in the appointment letter the name of the delegate.
A representative with the official endorsement from each Observer may attend the meetings of the Finance Committee in an observing capacity.
With the agreement of the Finance Committee, the Chair may invite other experts to attend any of its sessions.


The Finance Committee shall be an advisory and preparatory committee of the Assembly of Members to:

  • (a) advise the Assembly of Members and the Director General on matters relating to the management and preparation of the budget of BBMRI-ERIC, its expenditure and accounts, and its future financial planning;
  • (b) provide the Assembly of Members and the Director General with advice on the financial implications of the other BBMRI-ERIC bodies’ recommendations;
  • (c) upon request, provide advice on other financial matters relating to the management and administration of BBMRI-ERIC;
  • (d) submit a proposal concerning the appointment of external auditors to the Assembly of Members.

(Statutes, Article 12.1)



According to the Internal Rules of Procedures for the Steering Committee:

The Steering Committee shall be responsible for supporting and monitoring the performance of the Director General of BBMRI-ERIC between the sessions of the Assembly of Members in implementing the decisions of the Assembly of Members, including the Strategic Plan, the Work Programme and the budget and shall report thereof to the Assembly of Members.

Members of the Steering Committee do not represent a Member or any other organisation to which they belong; they are acting in the best interest of BBMRI-ERIC, within the powers mandated by and according to the decisions taken in the Assembly of Members.

(a)  the Chair and Vice Chair of the Assembly of Members; and

(b)  the Chair and Vice Chair of the Finance Committee.



The Management Committee (MC) consists of the National/Organisational Coordinator. Observer countries may be invited to participate. The MC is chaired by the Director General. It may elect a Vice Chair for the duration of one calendar year and may be re-elected on not more than two consecutive occasions.


The MC contributes to and supports the Director General in the development of a draft annual Work Programme and a draft budget together with a preliminary draft Work Programme and a draft budget for the following two years. The MC also supports the Director General in the execution of the Work Programme and is responsible for enabling efficient interaction between BBMRI-ERIC and the Partner Biobanks of Members.



The BBMRI-ERIC Stakeholder Forum is the main interface for European patients’ organisations, civil society, industry and academia to interact with the biobanking universe.

The role of stakeholders is enshrined in the BBMRI-ERIC statutes: as one of the advisory boards, the Stakeholder Forum contributes to the decision-making process of BBMRI-ERIC, together with the Scientific and Ethical Advisory Board (SEAB).

Through the Stakeholder Forum, we want to build a sustainable, egalitarian relationship between the biobank community and its stakeholders. The objective is to increase each other’s awareness on needs and expectations on key issues related to biobanking, such as data protection, informed consent in health research, health research priorities, and other ethical, legal and societal issues (ELSI).

Read more…



The SEAB shall be composed of distinguished scientists or experts appointed in their own right, not as representatives of their respective background organisations or of Members. (Statutes, Article 16.2). The SEAB members are Jean-Yves Blay, David Byrne, Carolyn Compton, Jane Kaye, Aarno Palotie, Walter Ricciardi and Eric Vermeulen​.

The Assembly of Members shall appoint the SEAB members and decide on their rotation and on the terms of reference of SEAB. (Statutes, Article 16.3)


The activities of BBMRI-ERIC shall be periodically evaluated by an independent Scientific and Ethical Advisory Board (SEAB). The SEAB shall also advise the Assembly of Members with regard to proposals of the Director-General on the implementation of the Work Programme. (Statutes, Article 16.1)

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