A promotional image for an event organised by BBMRI.at and others showing the logos of all organisers connected by curvy dashed lines with arrowheads. The title reads: "New era for health data".
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Europe Biobank Week Congress 2024

The Hofburg Vienna, Austria

BBMRI-ERIC and ESBB are delighted to announce that the Europe Biobank Week Congress is back for 2024. It will take place from 14-17 May at The Hofburg in Vienna, Austria. Save the date in your diaries and look out for further details on registration which will be made available shortly on the EBW website. Interested […]

Long Night of Research (Lange Nacht der Forschung) 2024

The Long Night of Research (Lange Nacht der Forschung), the largest research event in Europe, will take place this year on: Friday, 24 May 2024 from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. at research locations all over Styria. Universities, research institutions, and companies will once again present their work, innovations, and research at many locations throughout […]

2nd QM Newsroom in 2024


The second session in 2024 will be held on 28 May, 10:00-11:00 am CEST via Zoom on the topic of: Interoperability in biobanking: OMOP for standardising medical outcome data We will welcome two guests: Petr Holub (Head of IT / CIO, BBMRI-ERIC) Esmond Urwin (Digital Research Technologist, University of Nottingham) PLEASE REGISTER here for the […]

BBMRI-ERIC Academy: Symposium – Ethical, legal and societal insights & outlook for biobanks and medical research

IARC/WHO, 25 Av. Tony Garnier, 69007 Lyon, France  25 Av. Tony Garnier, Lyon, France

Join us in Lyon, France on 4-6 June 2024 for an exciting 2 ½ day symposium which will showcase 10 years of insight and outlook on ethical, legal, and societal implications (ELSI) relevant for biobanks and biomedical research. This meeting will celebrate the faceted plurality of ELSI expertise across countries stemming from both interdisciplinary service […]

BioMed.AI Summer School

Portuguese National Library, Campo Grande 83, Lisbon Campo Grande 83, Lisbon, Portugal

The BioMed.AI Summer School takes place from 11-13 September in Lisbon, Portugal. It is organised by the Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens under the auspices of the Academy of Athens and co-organisers Nova School of Law & What Next Law in Lisbon Portugal. The event is endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO)/ […]


BioTechX Europe 2024

Messe Basel Messeplatz 10, Basel, Switzerland

BBMRI-ERIC will once again be at the BioTechX Europe Congress. Here’s why we would we delighted for you to join us: BioTechX Europe is Europe’s largest congress covering diagnostics, precision medicine and digital transformation in pharmaceutical development and healthcare. Over the years we have fostered strong relationships with local partners such as the Canton of […]

3rd QM Newsroom in 2024


The third session in 2024 will be held on 15 October, 10:00-11:00 am CEST via Zoom. As our guest, we are pleased to welcome Petra Tauscher from Biobank Graz. PLEASE REGISTER here for the Zoom meeting and MAKE USE of the possibility to add the event to your calendar. The online meeting will follow the agenda below: Welcome and introduction (BBMRI.QM) […]

BBMRI-ERIC Academy: Webinar – „High quality samples and what about the data?!“


BBMRI-ERIC Academy: Webinar – „High quality samples and what about the data?!“ This BBMRI-ERIC ACADEMY webinar aims to highlight the importance of "data quality" for the BBMRI community, including data and technology experts, quality managers, and biobank professionals. We will delve into the different aspects of data quality, measurement techniques, and its practical use in […]

BBMRI.QM Newsroom

BBMRI.QM Newsroom The 4th and final BBMRI.QM Newsroom session of 2024 will BBMRI's view on FHIR (Fast Health Interoperability Resources) with guest speakers Radovan Tomášik (BBMRI-ERIC) and Šimon Koňár (Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute). Radovan Tomášik is a Software Engineer at BBMRI-ERIC with over four years of experience working with FHIR and, as an active member […]

Artificial Intelligence in South-Eastern Asia: the example of the Indonesian National Artificial Intelligence Strategy on Ethics and Policy


Artificial Intelligence in South-Eastern Asia: the example of the Indonesian National Artificial Intelligence Strategy on Ethics and Policy Are you interested in how artificial intelligence is transforming the health sector across South-Eastern Asia? Wondering how start-up companies in this region are contributing to healthcare innovations? In this special ELSI dialogue, we will explore the promising […]

Access and benefit-sharing of Genetic Resources: the Nagoya Protocol applied to biobanks

Access and benefit-sharing of Genetic Resources: the Nagoya Protocol applied to biobanks The fair and equitable sharing of benefits from genetic resources—known as Access and Benefit-Sharing (ABS)—is a key principle in global research and innovation. Governed by the Nagoya Protocol, this international framework ensures compliance and fair use of genetic material, with 141 countries on […]

New era for health data: Secondary use of data in the EHDS and DGA and its implementation in Europe and Austria

Campus of the University of Vienna Spitalgasse 2, Vienna, Vienna, Austria

BBMRI.at in collaboration with the projects Smart-FOX and CD-Laboratory for Machine Learning Driven Precision Imaging is honored to invite to an exclusive forum, “A New Era for Health Data: Secondary Use of Data in the EHDS and DGA and Its Implementation in Europe and Austria”. Secondary use of health data The processing and sharing of […]

The website was co-funded within ADOPT BBMRI-ERIC, a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 676550.
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