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EU Grants

To date, BBMRI-ERIC has been awarded more than €7 million in additional funds thanks to its participation in the EU’s 7th Framework Programme and Horizon 2020.

As its main goal, BBMRI-ERIC aims to improve the accessibility and interoperability of existing collections of biological samples from different (sub)populations of Europe, including both population-based and clinically-oriented sample collections.

Including 21 Members, BBMRI-ERIC is a globally unmatched, Europe-wide platform for translational medical research with the aim to develop personalised medicine and disease prevention for the benefit of European citizens.

How to partner up with us


We welcome requests from individual researchers as well as research teams seeking project collaborations with BBMRI-ERIC and/or its National Nodes. Please send an email to with the following information:

  • Name of the PI
  • Call ID and call text
  • Aim of the proposal (short description)
  • Desired collaboration/contribution of BBMRI-ERIC
  • Adherence to non-exclusivity

Discover all the EU projects we participate in


The objective of AHEAD (AI for Health: Evaluation of Applications & Datasets) is to create a transdisciplinary, diverse and global community drawing on the expertise of professionals in biomedicine, ethics, AI development, software engineering, sociology, psychology, law, gender studies, and relevant stakeholders, dedicated to the ongoing effort of tackling challenges and setting important standards in an ever-changing landscape. Together, the community will gather, consolidate, and put into practice established principles and guidelines, building a methodology and a platform to evaluate AI-based systems for biomedical and healthcare applications to ensure the compliance with legal, ethical, technical, scientific, and regulatory standards.

Coordinated by BSC (Spain) the project brings together a multidisciplinary consortium: BSC (Spain), UniTN (Italy), CERTH (Greece), BBMRI-ERIC (Austria), UH (Finland), HMO (Israel), NYU (United States), NBD (Spain), WBF (Switzerland), Lygature (Netherlands), NTT Data (Spain), IBMB Unibas (Switzerland), IBM Zurich (Switzerland) and IBM (Israel). In addition, the project collaborates with PRISMA and Barcelonaβeta, both based in Barcelona.


Bioindustry 4.0 is a cutting-edge initiative bringing together academia and industry in Europe to shape the future of industrial biotechnology. Spearheaded by 6 major European research infrastructures and supported by a consortium of 25 organizations, the mission is to enhance the competitiveness of the European biotech sector globally. By refining technologies such as AI, digital twin, and cloud technologies, the project aims to empower professionals from academia and industry to collaborate and push the boundaries of bioprocess design and control – making these technologies faster, cheaper, and more sustainable.


The CY-Biobank project revolves around the upgrading of the existing Biobank of the University of Cyprus, to a Center of Excellence in Biobanking and Biomedical Research, adapting European standards of operation in collaboration with the Advanced Partners. This medical research infrastructure will then serve the foundation for developing the Cyprus human genome project and other genomics/genetics projects for diseases with Mendelian inheritance as well as complex disorders of multifactorial character that impact modern societies.

BBMRI-ERIC's PM, QM, and ELSI teams and their linked third parties contribute to this project.


The project DIAMONDS will address the challenge of bringing personalised medicine into routine use in EU healthcare systems for diagnosis and treatment of common infectious and inflammatory diseases, which account for a up to a third of all medical encounters in primary care and hospital.

BBMRI-ERIC's ELSI team and its linked third parties contribute to this project.


The European Rare Diseases Research Alliance (ERDERA) aims to improve the health and well-being of the 30 million people living with a rare disease in Europe, by making Europe a world leader in Rare Disease (RD) research and innovation, to support concrete health benefits to rare disease patients, through better prevention, better diagnosis, better treatment. This Partnership will deliver a RD ecosystem that builds on the successes of previous programmes by supporting robust patient need-led research, developing new diagnostic methods and pathways, spearheading the digital transformational change connecting the dots between care, patient data and research, while ensuring strong alignment of strategies in RD research across countries and regions. Structuring goal-oriented public-private collaborations targeted at interventions all along the R&D value chain will ensure that the journey from knowledge to patient impact is expedited, thereby optimising EU innovation potential in RD.


The European Health Data Space will address health-specific challenges to electronic health data access and sharing. The general objective is to ensure that natural persons in the EU have increased control in practise over their electronic health data. It also aims to ensure a legal framework consisting of trusted EU and Member State governance mechanisms and a secure processing environment.

BBMRI-ERIC's CS IT and Legal teams and their linked third parties contribute to this project.


EOSC4Cancer will make diverse types of cancer data accessible: genomics, imaging, medical, clinical, environmental and socio-economic. It will use and enhance federated and interoperable systems for securely identifying, sharing, processing and reusing FAIR data across borders and offer them via community-driven analysis environments.

BBMRI-ERIC's ELSI, QM, and IT teams and their linked third parties contribute to this project.


The European Platform for Neurodegenerative Diseases (EPND) is a consortium of multidisciplinary educators, clinicians, researchers, and scientists committed to revolutionising scientific breakthroughs in the effort to diagnose, treat, and prevent neurodegenerative diseases. With support from the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), the EPND platform is uniting the neurodegenerative disease research community to fuel new discoveries in the field. EPND will tackle the above issues by developing a self-sustaining European-based platform to facilitate discovery and access of relevant bio-samples and data.

BBMRI-ERIC's QM, Public Affairs, PM, and ELSI teams and their linked third parties contribute to this project.


EuCanImage is a new large-scale international project (10 million Euros) funded by the European Commission to build a secure and federated imaging platform for next-generation artificial intelligence in oncology. The EuCanImage platform will be populated with a new data resource totalling over 25,000 single subjects, which will allow to investigate unmet clinical needs like never before, such as for the detection of small liver lesions and metastases of colorectal cancer, or for estimating molecular subtypes of breast tumours and pathological complete response.

BBMRI-ERIC's ELSI and OEC teams and their linked third parties contribute to this project.


Cancer Image Europe provides a robust, trustworthy platform for researchers, clinicians, and innovators to access diverse cancer images, enabling the benchmarking, testing, and piloting of AI-driven technologies.

By connecting high-quality cancer image data and AI experts, Cancer Image Europe facilitates collaboration and accelerates the development of cutting-edge solutions for cancer diagnosis and treatment.


The aim of INTERVENE is to develop and test next generation tools for disease prevention, diagnosis, and personalised treatment utilizing the first US-European pool of genomic and health data and integrating longitudinal and disease-relevant -omics data into genetic risk scores. Resulting in unprecedented potential for prediction, diagnosis, and personalised treatments for complex and rare diseases. Some of the largest biobanks in Europe and two in the USA will be securely linked and harmonized in a GDPR-compliant repository with data from more than 1.7 million genomes.

BBMRI-ERIC's ELSI team and its linked third parties contribute to this project.


The ISIDORe consortium, made of the capacities of European ESFRI infrastructures and coordinated networks, proposes to assemble the largest and most diverse research and service providing instrument to study infectious diseases in Europe, from structural biology to clinical trials.

BBMRI-ERIC's QM, PM, CS IT, and OEC teams and their linked third parties contribute to this project.


The use of mouse models in biomedical research has been pivotal in understanding human diseases due to their genetic and physiological similarities to humans. However, concerns on ethics and translatability have prompted a shift towards alternative methods such as complex in vitro models (CIVMs). PRIM-TECH3R addresses this shift by leveraging advanced technologies to develop reliable mouse and human CIVMs for preclinical studies, aiming to reduce and refine the use of animal models. Through standardised protocols and robust validation procedures, the project will create state-of-the-art in vitro models from mouse disease models, complementing existing in vivo models. This initiative aligns with EU policy objectives and societal demands to address phasing out of animal testing in biomedical research. The project will establish a comprehensive repository of preclinical resources, ensure open access, and foster collaboration between research infrastructures and the biomedical industry. Training programmes will equip personnel with the necessary skills to provide CIVMs to the research community. By achieving these objectives, PRIM-TECH3R aims to advance the state-of-the-art in research infrastructures, facilitate industrial exploitation, and contribute to transformative changes in biomedical research practices.

Completed Projects


The mission of the EU-funded BIGPICTURE project is to establish the first European platform where quality-controlled whole slide imaging (WSI) data are stored. The consortium consists of Europe's largest pathology departments and will work towards an open-source framework for accessing, annotating and mining WSI data using AI algorithms. With access to millions of WSI data, BIGPICTURE envisions AI-based methods that can help clinicians interpret tissue features and perform diagnosis fast, in a high-throughput manner, avoiding human bias or error.

BBMRI-ERIC's ELSI, Public Affairs, and OEC teams and their linked third parties contribute to this project.


In canSERV, European wide research infrastructures, oncology experts, and patient associations team up to battle cancer by providing transnational access to cutting-edge transnational research services. 

To offer at least 200 different unique Personalized Oncology (PO) relevant and valuable cutting-edge services for life science research in Europe over the next three years.

The project will establish a single, unified, transnational access platform to request services and training; ensure the FAIR compliance of oncology-related data; and sustain the network and unified resources of oncology-related service provision beyond the duration of the project. 

BBMRI-ERIC's PM, Finance, Biobanking Development, QM and OEC teams and their linked third parties contribute to this project.

ERIC Forum 2

The ERICs (European Research Infrastructure Consortia), under the umbrella of the ERIC Forum, represent one of the leading science policy voices in Europe and play a key role in structuring the research infrastructure landscape.

Following the successful set-up and implementation of the ERIC Forum (2019-2022), further efforts are needed to consolidate its achievements and expand the coordination and monitoring of the ERICs. This project aims to structure the cooperation between ERICs, support the implementation of the ERIC Regulation and ERICs services, and consolidate the integration of the ERICs in the European Research Area by deepening the ERIC Forum’s contribution to research policies.
To reach its objectives, the project relies on a multi-disciplinary consortium involving all identified ERICs, both multi and single-sited, and representing the five science clusters of the ERICs.


CETOCOEN Excellence will exploit research capacities built in Central Europe with support from the European Structural and Investment Fund and develop a cutting-edge research platform capable of addressing major scientific and societal challenges in contemporary Europe in the areas of environment and health.

BBMRI-ERIC's CS IT team and its linked third parties contribute to this project.


PROPHET will engage organisations and individuals in order to contribute to building a Strategic Research Innovation Agenda to adopt Personalised Prevention approaches into EU health systems.

The project aims to deliver specific measures to educate and empower different stakeholder groups to play an active role in self-care and to build a Personalised Prevention Roadmap for future healthcare that supports the definition and implementation of innovative, sustainable and high-quality personalised strategies to effectively prevent chronic diseases.

BBMRI-ERIC's ELSI, Public Affairs, and OEC teams and their linked third parties contribute to this project.


With a consortium of 35 partners, QUANTUM is an EU-funded project that aims to create a common label system for Europe that guarantees the quality and utility of datasets for scientific and health innovation purposes. These labels will enable researchers, policymakers, and healthcare professionals to identify high-quality data for research and decision making.

BBMRI-ERIC's IT and QM teams and their linked third parties contribute to this project.


The aim of HealthyCloud is to generate guidelines, recommendations and specifications that will enable distributed health research across Europe in the form of a Ready-to-implement Roadmap. This roadmap together with the feedback gathered from a broad range of stakeholders will be the basis to produce the final HealthyCloud Strategic Agenda for the European Health Research and Innovation Cloud (HRIC).

BBMRI-ERIC's ELSI team, IT, PM, OEC teams and their linked third parties contribute to this project.


EP PerMed is a new European Partnership dedicated to Personalised Medicine (PM). It supports PM-related R&I, but also facilitates and accelerates all steps so that PM achievements successfully pass through the full value continuum to be implemented in sustainable health systems for the benefit of people and societies. The partnership will foster demonstration projects and promote successes and lessons learned to demonstrate evidence of PM implementation. EP PerMed activities cover overarching aspects, like patient involvement, exchange with medical societies, infrastructures and international and regional collaboration. The project portfolios of EP PerMed and ERA PerMed (ERA-Net co-fund on PM) and others are supported to become successful innovations in healthcare practice. EP PerMed will be the global PM-platform for scientific and strategic dialogue and alignment, resulting in public documents and publications. Accordingly, it will inform the public, patients, healthcare providers or payers about the latest PM options and engage them. The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Personalised Medicine (SRIA for PM, 2023), developed by EP PerMed partners, is the basis for the partnership's structure and a wide range of its activities. All steps of the SRIA development were strongly support by numerous PM-experts, stakeholders and the European Commission (EC). Thus, the EP PerMed annual Joint Transnational Calls (JTCs) and other funding and activities, events and tools will be in line with the SRIA and outputs will feed into a SRIA update in the coming years. The partnership builds on several developments, initiatives and projects such as ERA PerMed, ICPerMed and its supporting projects (“ICPerMed Family”) funded by the EC. In parallel, it reaches out to the 1+Million Genomes Initiative, other European Partnerships in the Health Cluster and infrastructures like the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI).


The EvolveBBMRI project aims to further develop BBMRI-ERIC for the benefit of its scientific communities and users, increase its capacity to serve EU policy priorities, and further deepen its collaboration with industry. The project is structured in four thematic pillars: 1) Acceleration of datafication of biobanks and biomolecular resources to enable reproducible advanced medical research in support of EU health priorities; 2) teaming up with industry to facilitate greener biobanking; 3) setting long-term sustainability measures for BBMRI that also address RI landscape gaps; and 4) strengthened approaches related to career paths, training and outreach activities to maximise impact.


The Genomic Data Infrastructure (GDI) project enables access to genomic and related phenotypic and clinical data across Europe by establishing a federated, sustainable and secure infrastructure to access the data. It builds on the outputs of the Beyond 1 Million Genomes (B1MG) project and is realising the ambition of the 1+Million Genomes (1+MG) initiative.


The INTEGRATE-LMedC consortium will develop a new concept to guide and support decision-making for the next-generation research infrastructure (RI) to facilitate efficient utilization and harmonization of large medical cohorts (LMedC), and to accelerate scientific and medical breakthroughs in Europe and beyond. Achievement of the ambitious objectives will only be possible through the integration of 11 highly interdisciplinary partners including established ERIC / ESFRI infrastructures such BBMRI, ECRIN, EIRENE and EBRAINS with unique expertise in conceptualizing and implementing European RIs. The partners will generate a gap analysis to identify what is missing of cohort data and samples, RI tools and services, quality measures, governance models, user needs and the barriers for efficient utilization of these cohorts and RI, including ethical and legal frameworks. To identify IT technologies and architecture for suitable data stewardship and long-term availability of European RIs, the partners will prepare for a feasibility study for federated data analysis of LMedC. The feasibility study will be based on two examples of use-cases: one stroke case using data from medical health registry data and one case using data from longitudinal population-based studies with different technical, legal, and ethical challenges. To ensure availability of data and samples related to existing and future LMedC studies and their re-use for secondary research, the partners will develop a concept outline including a governance plan and guiding principles for data access policies and data protection policy, whilst considering the FAIR principles and ELSI issues. An overarching RI concept to manage, integrate, and sustain LMedC studies will be developed, including an initial financial and operational plan for the implementation of the new RI outlining new services and access opportunities for the research community.


Scientific discoveries increasingly rely on data and AI. Research infrastructures (RIs) generate huge amounts of complex data, but managing, analysing and using this information is becoming a major challenge. Scientists often lack the large-scale tools and expertise needed to process data quickly and effectively. With this in mind, the EU-funded RI-SCALE project is tackling this issue by creating scalable Data Exploitation Platforms. These platforms will combine scientific data with preconfigured AI tools and powerful computing resources, unlocking their full potential. Working with four RIs (ENES, EISCAT, BBMRI and Euro-BioImaging), RI-SCALE will test the technology in environmental and life sciences. It will also foster collaborations to help more RIs adopt these innovations.

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Live educational webinars and webinars on demand (recordings) on Pre-Analytical Phases of Biobanking.

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The website was co-funded within ADOPT BBMRI-ERIC, a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 676550.
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