Ethics Check - BBMRI-ERIC
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Ethics Check

The Ethics Check is a service offered during the application phase for EU-funded research projects. We provide assistance with the compulsory ethics self-assessment component of your proposal prior to submission to support you with addressing ethical, legal and societal issues that may arise within the research project in accordance with regulatory frameworks and ethical standards.

To receive support with the ethics component of your proposal, please send the following documents to elsi-helpdesk@bbmri-eric.eu :

  • Full proposal;
  • Completed Ethics Issue Table in Part A of your proposal; and
  • Completed Ethics Section in Part B of your proposal.

What we recommend

Before completing the Ethics Table and Ethics Section in your proposal, we recommend you take a look at the following materials:



How does it work?

Through the Ethics Check, we provide initial input* on your completed Ethics Section with the aim of preparing your for the required ethics appraisal procedure during the evaluation process.

Upon emailing us at elsi-helpdesk@bbmri-eric.eu, you will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt. Your enquiry will then be assessed and reviewed by our team. We may need to contact you in order to obtain further information.

*Please note we provide complementary support amounting to 1 hour. Should you require more extensive input from us, then please let us know. Please get in touch at least 3 weeks before submission deadline. The sooner you contact us, the better we can assist you!


Who is it for?

The service is available to researchers and biobanks located in Member and Observer Countries of BBMRI-ERIC, as well as any research infrastructures working in the field of life sciences.


What we can’t do

The Ethics Check is an initial support service for the ethics self-assessment component in EU funded research proposals. Please note that we do not complete the Ethics Issue Table or draft the Ethics Section on your behalf.

Additional Information

The ELSI Ethics Check was conceptualised with funds from ADOPT BBMRI-ERIC, EOSC-LIFE and CORBEL, projects that received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements No 676550, No 824087  and No 654248, respectively.

The website was co-funded within ADOPT BBMRI-ERIC, a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 676550.
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