
Lecture & Webinar: Artificial Intelligence and Impact on Future Medicine
Prof. Kurt Zatloukal, National Node Director of BBMRI.at, has invited Visiting Professor Oskar Mencer, founder of Maxeler Technologies and developer of “Multisc ...read more
ELSI Webinar : GDPR and Biobanking – Book Review – Meet the Authors
The Springer Book “GDPR and Biobanking: Individual Rights, Public Interest and Research Regulation across Europe” is available for open access since a couple ...read more
GDPR harmonisation is the only way to protect cancer research: an ESMO webinar
Fragmented implementation and interpretation of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) of the European Union (EU) at a local level are posing obst ...read more
ELSI Webinar: Biobanking with children
On Wednesday 17 March 2021, 14:00 – 15:30 CET Biobanking with children is a practical vector of empowerment and engagement. Without having to expose the ...read more
Knowledge Transfer Service: Codex4SMEs Webinar on Finding Samples and Data with the BBMRI-ERIC Directory & Negotiator
Date: 3 December 2020 Time: 14:00-15:00 CET Browse biobank collections across Europe and get the samples and clinical data you need During this webinar, BBMRI-ERI ...read more
Workshop: Looking back, going forward
Henrietta Lacks and the first immortalized human cell line, HeLa, have been influential in shaping both science and technology, from the development of the polio ...read more
SAVE THE DATE – IC2PerMed workshop on EU-China policies and programmes for Personalised Medicine
On Monday 23 November from 09:30 to 11:30CET IC2PerMed project will hold its first e-workshop “Policies and programs in the field of Personalized medicine: fir ...read more
Workshop: Ethically and socially responsible governance of research biobanks in the Baltic states
The aim of this workshop on 29 October 2020 is to exchange experience and discuss current ethical and social problems of research biobank governance in the Baltic ...read more
Webinar: Ethical, Legal and Social Issues in human microbiome biobanking
Human microbiome research has the potential to increase our understanding of how health and disease are affected by the complex relationship between human, our dw ...read more
CINECA Webinar: Status Update Code of Conduct: Teaming up & Talking about it
The CINECA webinar series continues with a presentation by BBMRI-ERIC’s Head of ELSI Sergices & Research Dr. Michaela Th. Mayrhofer on the status of the ...read more
Webinar: Ethical handling of incidental findings in research
Presenter: Eline Bunnik, PhD, Erasmus MC, BBMRI.nl Moderator: Melanie Goisauf, BBMRI-ERIC In biomedical research involving human subjects, incidental fin ...read more
CINECA Webinar: Code of Conduct: Teaming Up & Talking About It
The CINECA webinar series continues with a presentation by Dr. Michaela Th. Mayrhofer (BBMRI-ERIC) on Status Update Code of Conduct: Teaming up & Talking abou ...read more
Web Conference: COVID-19 and Ethical, Legal & Societal Issues
This web conference will first and foremost focus on the ethical issues encountered and addressed during the COVID-19 outbreak in relation to biobanking, focusing ...read more
CORBEL/EOSC-Life Webinar: Best Practices in Training and Communications
CORBEL and EOSC-Life are organising the webinar series “Engaging with your community through events and training”. The series concludes with a discuss ...read more
CORBEL webinar on the BBMRI ELSI Services
Join the CORBEL webinar on “The BBMRI ELSI Services across the Nodes & BMS RIs” on 21 April 2020 at 15:30 CET. Speaker: Michaela Th. Mayrhofer (BB ...read more
CORBEL/EOSC-Life Webinar: Practical Tips for Stepping Up Your Science Communications
CORBEL and EOSC-Life are organising the webinar series “Engaging with your community through events and training”. The series continues with a panel d ...read more
BBMRI-ERIC Negotiator: An In-Depth Webinar on Dealing with Sample Requests – for Biobankers and Researchers
Are you interested in learning how to file a request and respond to a request in the BBMRI-ERIC Negotiator in the most effective manner? Do you want to hear abou ...read more
BBMRI-ERIC Webinar – Biobanks and registries – what’s the difference?
Title: Biobanks and registries – what’s the difference? Speaker: Dr Mary Wang, Fondazione Telethon in Italy Date and Time: 28 November 2019, 14:00-15:0 ...read more
BBMRI.ELSI Webinar: Completing the Ethics Self-Assessment for H2020 Proposals – Introduction Part I
Working in close collaboration with the Ethics and Research Integrity Sector at DG Research & Innovation, we are launching an ELSI webinar series on the Ethic ...read more
GBN Webinar: Data Quality and Provenance
The German Biobank Node invites all interested parties to their IT webinar on Data Quality & Provenance! Join the webinar here: https://global.gotomeeting.com ...read more
Webinar IV: Using BBMRI-ERIC’s Directory
BBMRI-ERIC’s Directory gives access to over 600 biobanks and 100,000,000 samples across Europe. How can you use our tool to find samples quickly and effecti ...read more
Webinar III: Using BBMRI-ERIC’s Directory
BBMRI-ERIC’s Directory gives access to over 600 biobanks and 100,000,000 samples across Europe. How can you use our tool to find samples quickly and effecti ...read more
BBMRI-ERIC Directory Webinar II
BBMRI-ERIC’s Directory gives access to 568 biobanks and 100,000,000 samples across Europe. Join BBMRI-ERIC’s Director General, Erik Steinfelder, on We ...read more
UK Biobank Scientific Conference 2019
Register Today! The UK Biobank Scientific Conference is taking place at the QEII Conference Centre, London, on Wednesday, the 19th June. The event is open to he ...read more
Webinar on the use of BBMRI-ERIC’s directory
BBMRI-ERIC’s Directory gives access to 568 biobanks and 100.000.000 samples across Europe. How to use our tool? That’s what Erik Steinfelder, Director ...read more
BBMRI-ERIC Webinar – Material and Data Transfer Agreements (MTA/ DTA)
Title: Material and Data Transfer Agreements (MTA/DTA) Speaker: Dr Olga Tzortzatou, Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens Date and Time: 3 Apri ...read more
BBMRI.QM Webinar #5
Data Quality for Biobanks Speaker: Johann Eder, Prof. at the Department of Informatics-Systems of the Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt, Austria Register here ...read more
BBMRI.QM Webinar #5
Title: Data Quality for Biobanks Speaker: Johann Eder Date: 17 January 2019 Time: 10:30-11:30 a.m. CET Click here to register for this webinar. Subscribe to our ...read more
BBMRI.QM Webinar #4
State-of-the-Art Next-Generation Sequencing Speaker: Ivo Gut, Director of the Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico Register here More information to the ...read more
BBMRI.QM Webinar #3
The NEW standard for biobanks “ISO 20387 Biobanking – General requirements for biobanking” and how the BBMRI-ERIC Quality Management Service can help with i ...read more
BBMRI.QM Webinar #2
European Technical Specifications for the pre-analytical phase become ISO International Standards: an update Speaker: Karl-Friedrich Becker, Professor at the Inst ...read more
BBMRI.QM Webinar #1
Towards more accurate, reproducible, and robust measurement and analysis of biological samples: International Standardization Efforts within ISO/TC 276 – Biotec ...read more
06 BBMRI.QM webinar
“Assays for Qualification and Quality Stratification of Clinical Biospecimens Used in Research: A Technical Report from the ISBER Biospecimen Science Workin ...read more
Webinar: The GDPR – Anonymisation / Pseudonymisation
Title: Webinar: The GDPR – Anonymisation/Pseudonymisation Speaker: Irene Schlünder Date: June 20, 2018 Time: 14:00 CEST The European General Data Protection R ...read more
05a BBMRI.QM webinar
“The CEN technical standard for the pre-analytical phase of frozen tissue samples for DNA isolation” Agenda: Welcome at 11.30 a.m. CEST Presentation of t ...read more
BBMRI-ERIC Webinar – The GDPR and Health Research
Speaker: Dr Victoria Chico, University of Sheffield Time: 14:00-15:00 (Central European Summer Time) Summary: The enforcement date for the General Data Protection ...read more
05 BBMRI.QM webinar
“Intraindividual Temporal miRNA Variability in Serum, Plasma, and White Blood Cell Subpopulations” Agenda: Welcome Presentation “Intraindivid ...read more
BBMRI.QM webinar
EDIReX Project: “EurOPDX Distributed Infrastructure for Research on patient-derived cancer Xenografts“ Agenda: Presentation of the EDIReX Project: ...read more
04 BBMRI.QM webinar
“In vitro diagnostic medical devices – Clinical performance studies using specimens from human subjects – Good study practice” Agenda: 1. ...read more
03 BBMRI.QM webinar
“BBMRI.uk, The Cardiff Biobank and QMS” Agenda: Welcome Presentation “BBMRI.uk, The Cardiff Biobank and QMS”, Christopher Thomas, Quality Manag ...read more
02 BBMRI.QM webinar
“Norway, Biobanking of fresh frozen tissue from total prostatectomies” Agenda: Welcome Presentation “Norway, Biobanking of fresh frozen tissue from total p ...read more
Web conference: 01 WG6 Audit Programme meeting
Agenda: Welcome Presentation “BBMRI.at Audit Programme” Helmuth Haslacher, Dr., Head of Biobank VIENNA and Quality Coordinator of BBMRI.at (Medical Universit ...read more
May 18th, 2020
Recording of Webinar: COVID-19 and Ethical, Legal & Societal Issues
The recording of our webinar on COVID-19 and Ethical, Legal and Societal issues is now online! The webinar focused on the ethical issues encountered and addressed ...read more
January 25th, 2021
ELSI Webinar – Futureproofing Biobanks’ Governance
On Tuesday, Feb 2, 2021 from 15:00 to 16:00 CET By Alessandro Blasimme, PhD – Department of Health Sciences and Technology, Health Ethics & Policy Lab ...read more
April 16th, 2021
BBMRI-ERIC/Biobank Norway digital workshop: Hospital-based biobanks for biomedical research
Biological samples collected from patients can potentially be used to advance medical research. European countries are progressively establishing procedures to sy ...read more
The BBMRI-ERIC Quality Management service is co-funded within SPIDIA4P, a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 733112.