
March 12th, 2025
To Accreditation and beyond: The Added Value of the BBMRI-ERIC Quality Label
This article is 350 words and a two-minute read. The Added Value of the BBMRI-ERIC Quality Label The quest for excellence in biobanking continues: The Hannover Un ...read more
November 26th, 2024
Hannover Unified Biobank (HUB) accredited according to the international standard for biobanking (ISO 20387)
This article has 850 words and is a 4-minute read. The Hannover Unified Biobank (HUB) has achieved accreditation under the DIN EN ISO 20387:2020 standard, titled ...read more
September 9th, 2024
A TRANSLACORE biobanking training event increased awareness for sample and data use in translational regulatory studies
The TRANSLACORE Biobanking Training School was held at the Izmir Biomedicine and Genome Centre in June This article is 633 words and a three-minute read. From Jun ...read more
July 10th, 2024
The BBMRI.QM Newsroom – stay up to date with live sessions and recordings
This article is 486 words and an approximate 2-minute read. Utilising the valuable resources that we have in biobanks strongly relies on the quality of the availa ...read more
June 28th, 2024
BBMRI-ERIC Quality Label for EPND Cohort “gMAD/COSCODE” investigating Alzheimer’s disease
This article is 474 words and an approximate 3-minute read “It is very pleasing to see that international standards, which have been a fundamental pillar fo ...read more
June 9th, 2023
Common Provenance Model: BBMRI led ISO/TS 23494-1:2023 released
This article is 1,014 words – a ten-minute read. During the last decade, we have witnessed reproducibility issues in life sciences. There is strong evidence ...read more

June 1st, 2023
Biobank Łukasiewicz – PORT awarded the BBMRI-ERIC Quality Label
“Receiving the Quality Label is a very important step for our Biobank in establishing its position, not only in Poland, but also in the wider European biobankin ...read more... ...read more

January 18th, 2023
The team at Auria Biobank, Finland, achieves ISO 20387:2020 accreditation
This article is 739 words – a four-minute read. The team at Auria Biobank, part of Turku University Hospital’s Laboratory Division, have achieved ISO 2038 ...read more... ...read more
... ...read more

December 19th, 2022
Quality Talk: José Antonio López-Guerrero of IVO Biobank on achieving ISO 20387
This article is 1,787 words, an eight-minute read. In August 2022, the team at IVO Biobank in Spain became the first in the BBMRI-ERIC network to achieve ISO 203 ...read more
November 2nd, 2022
Biobank Väst In Sweden Achieves Quality Label
Biobank Väst at Sahlgrenska University Hospital (Gothenburg, Sweden) has become the first Nordic biobank within BBMRI-ERIC’s network to receive a Quality L ...read more
3rd BBMRI.QM Newsroom in 2022
We invite you to our 3rd BBMRI.QM Newsroom in 2022, which will be held on 27 September, 10:00-11:15 a.m. CEST via Zoom. At this online event, we will welcome thr ...read more
September 1st, 2022
Wroclaw Medical University Biobank: From BBMRI-ERIC Quality Label to ISO 20387 accredited
Wroclaw Medical University Biobank (WMU Biobank), one of the leading BBMRI.pl biobanks and responsible for implementing common QMS solutions in the Polish Biobank ...read more
July 25th, 2022
Biobanks in Spain and Italy receive international biobank standard ISO 20387 accreditation
Two national biobanks, the Fundación Instituto Valenciano de Oncología (IVO Biobank) in Spain and the Biobanca Multispecialista (BMS) in Italy, have just receiv ...read more
June 22nd, 2022
Europe Biobank Week Roadshow 2022
On the Road to High Quality – With Biobanks in the Fast Lane! Regensburg: 19-20 September 2022 BBMRI-ERIC and ESBB invite you to the first Europe Biobank We ...read more
May 24th, 2022
Europe Biobank Week Roadshow
ESBB and BBMRI-ERIC are delighted to announce a new, common community engagement activity, our EUROPE BIOBANK WEEK ROADSHOW. The EBW Roadshow consists of a series ...read more
April 25th, 2022
BBMRI.pl: First in Europe ISO 20387:2018 assessment in accreditation programme took place in Poland
Wroclaw Medical University Biobank (WMU Biobank), one of the leading BBMRI.pl biobanks, responsible for implementation of common QMS solutions in the Polish Bioba ...read more
October 25th, 2021
News from the BBMRI.pl QM expert working group
The activities of BBMRI.pl QM Expert Working Group include a wide range of initiatives arising from BBMRI-ERIC membership. Biobanks associated in Polish Biobankin ...read more
October 12th, 2021
EU-funded SPIDIA4P project wins CEN/CENELEC Standards + Innovation Award
The 2021 edition of the CEN and CENELEC Standards+Innovation Awards was presented on Tuesday 5 October 2021 to celebrate and acknowledge the important contribut ...read more
June 24th, 2021
BBMRI-ERIC and ESBB hold biobanking workshop for Latin American audience
Within the RI-VIS Latin American-Europe Symposium on Research Infrastructures, BBMRI and ESBB held a joint workshop titled “Prerequisites for biobanking collabo ...read more
May 19th, 2021
German Biobank Node : English version of Quality Management manual extended
BBMRI.de, German Biobank Node (GBN), has revised its English version of QM manual GBN has revised and extended the English version of its manual for quality manag ...read more
April 21st, 2021
First biobank quality mark in the BBMRI-ERIC Directory according to ISO 20387
It is truly a success for the BBMRI-ERIC network of biobanks. Our first biobank – Wroclaw Medical University Biobank (WMU Biobank) made a great effort ...read more
April 16th, 2021
BBMRI.tr: ISO 20387 Biotechnology-Biobanking accreditation workshop
The functionality, sustainability and continuous development of biobanks is only possible through the implementation of biobank quality standards. In terms of nat ...read more
January 12th, 2021
Our Quality Management training programme is restarting on 19 January
Web conference series on pre-analytical ISO standards – 4 more sessions on VWB in January 21! Since October 2020, the BBMRI.QM team provides in cooperation ...read more
December 15th, 2020
A fruitful year for EDIReX, the EurOPDX Research Infrastructure
The new EurOPDX Research Infrastructure (RI) aims at improving cancer drug development success rates through the enablement of high-quality preclinical research u ...read more
November 10th, 2020
Swiss Biobanking Platform developed its MTA 2.0 and SOP
To respond to the researchers’ need to share simultaneously both biological material and associated data (i.e. preanalytical and personal data), SBP has develo ...read more
BBMRI.QM: Updated versions of Self-Assessment Surveys now available
With the BBMRI-ERIC Self-Assessment Surveys (SAS) you can compare work processes in your biobank and sample collections with the requirements of European and inte ...read more
September 24th, 2020
Discount on preanalytical ISO standards & ISO 15189 within BBMRI.QM training
The BBMRI.QM training and education programme starts on 6th October – don’t miss it! The countdown is running. Only 2 weeks left until the start of the BBMRI. ...read more
August 13th, 2020
BBMRI.QM Training & Education Programme
This autumn BBMRI.QM will provide an in-depth training on the pre-analytical ISO standards 20184 | 20166 | 20186 relevant for biomedical research and biobanking, ...read more
May 8th, 2020
BBMRI_QM Web conferences: no blueprint for such a pandemic, but an amazing collaboration
There is no blueprint for a global pandemic of this magnitude. However, researchers must follow standards and have access to high quality samples. The samples cur ...read more
May 7th, 2020
The Swedish Research Council-funded research infrastructure Biobank Sweden supports healthcare providers and universities with medical faculties working towards n ...read more
This web conference is aimed at biobanking experts and researchers. Together, we will outline what our biobanking community needs during the corona crisis, what i ...read more
IVDR – State-of-the-art requirements for analytical performance testing
Date: 20 Oct 2020 (in context of the “LISAvienna – Regulatory Konferenz für Medizinprodukte und IVD”) Time: 09:00-17:30 Location: Vienna ++ ...read more
March 22nd, 2020
PRESS RELEASE Brussels, 20 MARCH 2020 In response to the coronavirus outbreak, CEN, the European Committee for Standardization, and CENELEC, the European Committe ...read more
GBN Webinar: Data Quality and Provenance
The German Biobank Node invites all interested parties to their IT webinar on Data Quality & Provenance! Join the webinar here: https://global.gotomeeting.com ...read more
June 28th, 2019
IVDR and Pre-Analytical Standards: Background and Review Published by SPIDIA4P Partners
June 27, 2019 The September issue of the journal New Biotechnology contains a review written by partners of the SPIDIA4P Consortium, of which BBMRI-ERIC is pro ...read more
June 18th, 2019
Joint letter using BBMRI.at as example of quality management
17 June 2019 In a joint letter to the editor of the journal Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM), which publishes articles on novel teaching and trai ...read more
June 4th, 2019
Describing samples and sample donors: The first version of a new MIABIS extension is ready
A long and fruitful group effort has led to the first version of a new MIABIS extension for describing biobank samples and sample donors. The working group includ ...read more
COST Clinimark Training School
The COST Clinimark Training Workshop is taking place from 23-27 September 2019 at the Spetses Hotel, Greece! The quest for novel biomarkers is a popular resear ...read more
April 26th, 2019
Quality Standards for Polish Biobanks: New guidelines for biobanking institutions already available in Poland!
Wroclaw Medical University, as a member of the BBMRI.pl consortium, is responsible for the task “Verification of SOPs that exist in Polish biobanking instit ...read more
BBMRI-ERIC and SPIDIA4P Discuss Academia-Industry Partnerships at the European Parliament
Academia-Industry Research Partnership Showcases Role of Standards in Personalised Medicine to European Decision Makers The event organised by BBMRI-ERIC and SPID ...read more
BBMRI.QM Webinar #5
Data Quality for Biobanks Speaker: Johann Eder, Prof. at the Department of Informatics-Systems of the Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt, Austria Register here ...read more
Save the date: SPIDIA4P event
Save the date: On the 5th March 2019, the SPIDIA4P project consortium will organise an event at the European Parliament in Brussels. Hosted by MEP Gesine Meissner ...read more
BBMRI.QM Webinar #5
Title: Data Quality for Biobanks Speaker: Johann Eder Date: 17 January 2019 Time: 10:30-11:30 a.m. CET Click here to register for this webinar. Subscribe to our ...read more
GBN Publishes Quality Management Manual
The German Biobank Node (GBN) has published its QM manual – the manual for quality management in biobanking. It is freely available as an “open access” p ...read more
BBMRI.at Raises Awareness for Sample Quality
BBMRI.at, our Austrian National Node, has been working tirelessly to raise awareness on the importance of quality standards and appropriate sample quality managem ...read more
Latvian Biobank Network Collections Pass Self-Assessment Survey
Several endocrinology research sample collections from the Latvian National Biobank Genome Database of Latvian Population recently passed the BBMRI-ERIC Self-Asse ...read more
New Self-Assessment Survey
We are delighted to announce that a new Self-Assessment Survey for biobanks is available now. The purpose of the BBMRI-ERIC Self-Assessment Surveys is to encourag ...read more
BBMRI.QM Webinar #4
State-of-the-Art Next-Generation Sequencing Speaker: Ivo Gut, Director of the Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico Register here More information to the ...read more
BBMRI.QM Webinar #3
The NEW standard for biobanks “ISO 20387 Biobanking – General requirements for biobanking” and how the BBMRI-ERIC Quality Management Service can help with i ...read more
BBMRI.QM Webinar #2
European Technical Specifications for the pre-analytical phase become ISO International Standards: an update Speaker: Karl-Friedrich Becker, Professor at the Inst ...read more
BBMRI.QM Webinar #1
Towards more accurate, reproducible, and robust measurement and analysis of biological samples: International Standardization Efforts within ISO/TC 276 – Biotec ...read more
Date: 11 September 2018 Time: 2-3 p.m. CEST Speaker: Sheng Lin-Gibson, Chief of the Biosystems and Biomaterials Division, USA National Institute of Stand ...read more
BBMRI-ERIC launches new webinar series
We are very pleased to announce that we are launching a new webinar series on quality management. Anyone who is interested in quality management issues in biobank ...read more
BBMRI.at successfully organised course on CEN and ISO Standards
Organised by the Graz Institute of Pathology, SPIDIA4P, QIAGEN and BBMRI.at, the course raised awareness about the existence and relevance of the CEN Technical Sp ...read more
Second on-site training session for technical assistants
The second on-site training session for technical staff from biobanks of the German Biobank Alliance (GBA) was held in Heidelberg on 16 June and 10 July. Due to ...read more
Training programme for GBA auditors launched
During a three-day workshop held in Berlin in mid-June, prospective auditors from the German Biobank Alliance (GBA) familiarised themselves with the theoretical p ...read more
Uniform QM software for GBA biobanks
In future, biobanks of the German Biobank Alliance (GBA) will use uniform software for quality management. The program features modules to manage documents and pr ...read more
05a BBMRI.QM webinar
“The CEN technical standard for the pre-analytical phase of frozen tissue samples for DNA isolation” Agenda: Welcome at 11.30 a.m. CEST Presentation of t ...read more
06 BBMRI.QM webinar
“Assays for Qualification and Quality Stratification of Clinical Biospecimens Used in Research: A Technical Report from the ISBER Biospecimen Science Workin ...read more
Austrian biobanks declare sample quality
Med Uni Wien Biobank and Biobank Graz, both part of BBMRI.at, have recently evaluated additional sample collections using the BBMRI-ERIC Self-Assessment Survey fo ...read more
SPIDIA4P consortium meets in Luxembourg
On April 10th and 11th 2018, IBBL (Integrated Biobank of Luxembourg) hosted the SPIDIA4P consortium meeting at its new premises in Dudelange, Luxembourg. S ...read more
CEN and ISO Standards for Pre-analytical Processes
This one-day course will introduce the European standards for the pre-analytical processing of human biospecimens (CEN/TC 140 Technical Specifications for Pree ...read more
05 BBMRI.QM webinar
“Intraindividual Temporal miRNA Variability in Serum, Plasma, and White Blood Cell Subpopulations” Agenda: Welcome Presentation “Intraindivid ...read more
BBMRI.QM webinar
EDIReX Project: “EurOPDX Distributed Infrastructure for Research on patient-derived cancer Xenografts“ Agenda: Presentation of the EDIReX Project: ...read more
04 BBMRI.QM webinar
“In vitro diagnostic medical devices – Clinical performance studies using specimens from human subjects – Good study practice” Agenda: 1. ...read more
03 BBMRI.QM webinar
“BBMRI.uk, The Cardiff Biobank and QMS” Agenda: Welcome Presentation “BBMRI.uk, The Cardiff Biobank and QMS”, Christopher Thomas, Quality Manag ...read more
02 BBMRI.QM webinar
“Norway, Biobanking of fresh frozen tissue from total prostatectomies” Agenda: Welcome Presentation “Norway, Biobanking of fresh frozen tissue from total p ...read more
Web conference: 01 WG6 Audit Programme meeting
Agenda: Welcome Presentation “BBMRI.at Audit Programme” Helmuth Haslacher, Dr., Head of Biobank VIENNA and Quality Coordinator of BBMRI.at (Medical Universit ...read more
ISBER Best Practices 4th Edition
The ISBER Best Practices: Recommendations for Repositories Fourth Edition presents the most effective practices for the management of biological and environmental ...read more
SPIDIA4P newsletter out now
The first SPIDIA4P (Standardisation of generic Pre-analytical Procedures for In vitro DIAgnostics for Personalised Medicine) newsletter of this year has just beco ...read more
ISO Working Group meets in Berlin
Our Quality Manager, Andrea Wutte, was at the 10th meeting of the ISO Technical Committee 276 Working Group, “Biobanks and Bioresources”, which took place in ...read more
Second BBMRI.at-internal QM cross audit
MedUni Wien Biobank successfully completed a quality management audit by peers from Graz, VetMedUni Vienna and BBMRI-ERIC based on the international QM standard ...read more
December 20th, 2017
The following is a list of web conferences from the Quality Management department of BBMRI-ERIC in 2017. View recent and upcoming webinars and web conferences ...read more
Swiss Biobanking Platform releases pre-analytical datasets for consultation
Swiss Biobanking Platform just released two pre-analytical datasets (liquid & tissue) for consultation that Swiss biobanks are recommended to use. The dataset ...read more
Self-Assessment Survey for biobanks and sample collections
BBMRI-ERIC’s Quality Management reached an important milestone earlier this year: a self-assessment survey for biobanks and sample collections located in BBMRI- ...read more
BBMRI-ERIC paves the way to new era in biobanking
BBMRI-ERIC Quality Manager Andrea Wutte and Senior Advisor Jan-Eric Litton presented a poster at Global Biobank Week 2017 to highlight a new milestone in biobanki ...read more
BBMRI.pl conference attracts more than 180 participants
The First Scientific and Training Conference of Polish Biobanks took place from 13 to 14 October 2017 at Wroclaw Medical University. The event was organised by th ...read more
BBMRI.at biobanks among the first with collections meeting CEN/TS requirements
All BBMRI.at biobanks have started to evaluate their collections with respect to the CEN/TS requirements using the BBMRI-ERIC Self-Assessment Survey. Two BBMRI.a ...read more
BBMRI.at partner Medical University of Innsbruck hosts biobanking workshop on new sample quality standards
The Medical University of Innsbruck, a BBMRI.at partner, recently hosted a biobanking workshop to introduce the new sample quality standards defined within the C ...read more
Common Minimum Technical Standards and Protocols for Biobanks Dedicated to Cancer Research: New Book Published by IARC
Biobanking has developed at a rapid pace in recent years, initiated by the drive for personalised medicine, the need for high-quality biological resources and ass ...read more
Promoting Engagement, Quality and Good Practices: 6 National BBMRI.it Working Groups and an Intensive Road Map
In what will be a special year for infrastructure consolidation due to the implementation throughout Europe of two regulations defining a new framework for rese ...read more
International Biobanking Experts at BBMRI.at Course in Graz
How to improve the quality of biobank samples, could be experienced in the BBMRI.at laboratory course “Pre-Analytical Sample Processing in Biobanking”. More a ...read more
Biobanks Europe Magazine #6
Ensuring reproducibility and reliability of scientific work should be at the heart of medical science. It is thus an issue of great concern for BBMRI-ERIC and we ...read more
Standardisation and improvement of pre-analytical workflows
European biobanks providing human specimens and human derived materials usable for research, are seeking to implement standardised pre-analytical workflow steps f ...read more
2nd Expert Centre of BBMRI-ERIC: The ATMA Platform
ATMA Platform, an Expert Centre to Accelerate Clinical Research with focus on Biomarker verification and validation. ...read more
BBMRI.at: “Pre Analytical Sample Processing in Biobanking” – A 3 Days Laboratory Course
This 3 days course focuses on the pre-analytic processing of biological samples according to the recently published CEN/TC 140 Technical Specifications for “ ...read more
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Our Quality Manager, Andrea Wutte, presents her interview with Tumorbank @ UZA
28 Sep 2016
Interview with Tumorbank @ UZA
Our Quality Manager, Andrea Wutte, presents her interview with Patrick Pauwels (Tumorbank curator), Sofie Goethals (Biobank manager) and Mieke De Wilde (Biobank q ...read more
Graz (Austria), July 2016 – The Graz based research facility CBmed has been appointed the first European “BBMRI-ERIC Expert Centre/Trusted Partner” (Biobank ...read more
CBmed, an Austrian funded competence center, links excellent research infrastructure, scientific expertise, medical knowledge, national and international industry ...read more
Our Quality Manager, Andrea Wutte, presents her interview with the Head of the Laboratory for Experimental Pathology in Munich/Germany, Karl-Friedrich Becker! Kar ...read more
Standardisation issues are addressed in many research fields, e.g. R&D, education, technology transfer and application but these research areas are often poor ...read more
The Centre Nacional d’Anàlisi Genòmica has been accredited according to UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 standard by ENAC (Entidad Nacional de Acreditación), specif ...read more
Our Quality Manager, Andrea Wutte, presents her interview with the head of the Erasmus MC Tissue Bank, Peter Riegman! Peter Riegman is a Molecular Biologist and p ...read more
Toward Global Biobank Integration by Implementation of the Minimum Information About BIobank Data Sharing (MIABIS 2.0 Core) Merino-Martinez Roxana, Norlin Loreana ...read more
BBMRI-ERIC brings together the expertise of many disciplines in order to operate the pan-European research infrastructure for biobanks and biomolecular resources ...read more
Between 26 and 30 October 2015, the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) called for working group meetings within the TC 276 Biotechnology. The Mi ...read more
Interview with Anne Carter
Anne Carter is the Director of the UK Clinical Research Collaboration’s Tissue Directory and Coordination Centre at University College London. This role b ...read more
From 29-31 July 2015, the annual BBMRI conference HandsOn Biobanks 2015 took place in Milan. It was a very interesting biobank conference, organised by Prof. ...read more
Interview with Barbara Parodi
Barbara Parodi is a medical doctor and the Executive Manager of the Biological Resource Centre of the National Institute for Cancer Research (IRCCS AOU San Martin ...read more
BLOG ENTRY 11/05/2015
Update to the ongoing development of ISO Standardisation processes for „Biobanks and bioresources”, most relevant for the BBMRI-ERIC community. On ...read more
Interview with Helmuth Haslacher
Helmuth Haslacher is resident physician of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine and Deputy Biobank Coordinator at the Department of Laboratory Medicine of t ...read more
The BBMRI-ERIC Quality Management service is co-funded within SPIDIA4P, a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 733112.