MOLGENIS Research can help even non-bioinformaticians (!) enable FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable data) data management and is freely available.
Many clinical professionals and biomedical researchers without a bioinformatics background are generating big ‘-omics’ data, but do not always have the tools to manage, process or publicly share these data.
MOLGENIS Research is an open-source web-application to collect, manage, analyze, visualize and share large and complex biomedical data sets, without the need for advanced bioinformatics skills.
Read about the joint BBMRI-NL effort on FAIR data management tooling in the new publication on MOLGENIS: “MOLGENIS Research: Advanced bioinformatics data software for non-bioinformaticians”.
You can find MOLGENIS Research via the BBMRI-NL Catalogue.