Topic: H2020-INFRADEV-3-2015
Type of Action: RIA
Duration: 42 months
Start Date: 1 October 2015
Grant Agreement Nr: 676550
Web: BBMRI-ERIC website
Coordinator: Erik Steinfelder
Total requested Grant by Consortium: €4,950,860.00
Total requested Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: €3,786,840.00
(includes funds for Headquarters, Common Service ELSI, Common Service IT, linked third parties)
Linked Third Parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement:;;;
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: Coordinated by BBMRI-ERIC, funding for key activities
Project deliverables can be viewed and downloaded here.
Of particular interest is Deliverable 6.2, Handbook for biobanks to meet users’ needs for biomarker discovery, development and validation
Read more about the project here and about the Colorectal Cancer Cohort here.
Type of Action: SP1 Collaboration
Duration: 72 months
BBMRI-ERIC full partner: as of 1 April 2015
Start Date: 1 November 2012
Grant Agreement Nr: 305444
Web: RD-Connect
Coordinator: Hanns Lochmüller
Total requested Grant by Consortium: €11,997,111.00
Total requested Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: €100,000.00
Linked Third Parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement: none
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: Set and implement quality standards for rare disease biobanks, contribution to the biomaterial sharing work, incorporate new biobanks, develop synergies among BBMRI-ERIC and RD-Connect training activities, investigate sustainability options.
Topic: H2020-EINFRA-2016
Type of action: RIA
Duration: 24
Start date: 1 May 2017
Grant agreement: 730941
Web: AARC2
Total request Grant by Consortium: €2,999,893.75
Total request Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: €39,590.00
Assigned 3rd parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement: none
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: Development of Levels of Assurance for authentication suitable for biomedical research applications
Status: score 12 (threshold 10)
Coordinator: Licia Florio
Topic: FP7 INFRA-2011-2.3.2
Type of Action: CP-CSA Infra
Duration: 36 months
Start Date: 1 January 2012
BBMRI-ERIC full partner: as of 1 October 2014
Grant Agreement Nr: 284209
Web: BioMedBridges
Coordinator: Janet Thornton
Total requested Grant by Consortium: € 10,494,998.69
Total requested Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: € 8,400.00
Linked Third Parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement: none
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: Connecting BMS RIs
Lead by European Molecular Biology Laboratory: BioMedBridges (Building data bridges and services between biological and medical infrastructures in Europe) will form a cluster of the emerging biomedical sciences research infrastructures (BMS RIs) and construct the data and service bridges needed to connect them.
The BMS RIs are on the ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructure) roadmap. The missions of the BMS RIs stretch from structural biology of specific biomolecules to clinical trials involving thousands of human patients. Most serve a specific part of the vast biological and medical research community, estimated to be at least two million scientists in Europe across more than 1,000 institutions from more than 36 ESFRI Member States and Associated Countries. Each of them brings together its own large community of users to build a coordinated infrastructure.
This process has already had a major impact on coordination of national infrastructures within each member state. Essentially all BMS RIs are distributed infrastructures, with nodes in many European member states.
Topic: H2020 OC-2016-1-20724
Type of Action: COST
Duration: 48 months
Start date: 14th March 2017
Grant agreement: CA16113
Total request Grant by Consortium: –
Total request Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: –
Assigned 3rd parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement: none
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: Experts contributing to the establishment of best biomarker practices, networking
Status: approval date 24th October 2016
Chair: Theo M. Luider
Vice Chair: Antonia Vlahou
Thousands of circulating proteins have been shown to be hallmarks of emerging disease, response to treatment, or a patients’ prognosis. The identification of these small molecule biomarkers holds a great promise for significant improvement of personalized medicine based on simple blood tests. For instance, diagnosis and prognosis with biomarkers (e.g. carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)) has significantly improved patient survival and decreased healthcare costs in colorectal cancer patients. Unfortunately, despite significant investments to increase the number of biomarker studies, only 150 out of thousands of identified biomarkers have currently been implemented in clinical practice. This is mainly caused by the timeconsuming process of reliably detecting biomarkers, the irreproducibility of studies that determine a biomarkers’ clinical value, and by a mismatch in studies that are performed by academia and what is required for regulatory and market approval. To increase the number of clinically validated biomarkers, rather than further increasing the number of biomarker discovery studies, CliniMARK will improve the quality and reproducibility of studies and establish a coherent biomarker development pipeline from discovery to market introduction.
Topic: H2020 INFRADEV-4
Type of Action: RIA
Duration: 48 months
Start Date: 1 September 2015
Grant Agreement Nr: 654248
Coordinator: Niklas Blomberg
Co-Coordinator: Erik Steinfelder
Total requested Grant by Consortium: €14,000,000.00
Total requested Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: €1,799,468.00
(includes funds for Headquarters, Common Service ELSI and linked third parties)
Linked Third Parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement:,,,NTNU,,
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: Co-Coordinated by BBMRI-ERIC, Work Package 3: case studies (National Nodes); Work Package 7: Common Service ELSI; Work Package 9: Training
Lead by EMBL/ELEXIR: CORBEL will establish a collaborative framework of shared services between the ESFRI Biological and Medical Research Infrastructures that transform the European research community from discovery of basic biological mechanisms to applied medical translation – through the provision of a unified interface, aligned services and coordinated user access to a range of advanced technology platforms.
Topic: H2020-WIDESPREAD-2014-1
Type of Action: FPA-SGA
Duration: 12 months
Start Date: 1 September 2015
Grant Agreement Nr: 664561
Web: CY-Biobank
Coordinator: Constantinos Deltas
Total requested Grant by Consortium: €460,637.50
Total requested Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: €64,475.00
Linked Third Parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement:
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: Work Package 5: Standards, ELSI Compliance and Data Management; Task 5.1: Standards/Procedures Adoption & Quality Processes; Task 5.2: ELSI Compliance; Task 5.3: Data Management Plan (raw data availability and Gold access policy); Task 5.1/Deliverable 5.1, Task 5.2/Deliverable 5.2, Task 5.3/Deliverable 5.3
Lead by University of Cyprus: The upgrading of MMRC into a CoE and its close partnership with the named Advanced Partners is a safe and sound strategy that will assist Cyprus over the next decade to enter large European networks and participate at ongoing and future epidemiological studies with mutual benefit to the Cypriot and the European patients.
Topic: H2020 EGI-EINFRA-1-6
Type of Action: RIA
Duration: 30 months
Start Date: 1 May 2015
Grant Agreement Nr: 654142
Web: EGI-Engage
Coordinator: Tiziana Ferrari
Total requested Grant by Consortium: €8,000,000.00
Total requested Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: €128,550.00 (includes funds for linked third parties)
Linked Third Parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement: University,,
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: Work Package 1: Technology exchange, outreach, training and support with the following deliverables; Task 1.1: Support and outreach to the user community Task 1.3: Coordination.
Lead by Stichting European Grid Initiative: High-throughput technologies are more accessible to research-biobanking and the number of biobanks providing services that require large storage capability and parallel data analysis is increasing dramatically. Moreover, data from multiple biobanks must now be pooled to reach statistical power to elucidate meaningful associations, while complying with legal and regulatory issues. This BBMRI-ERIC EGI (European Clinical Research Infrastructures Network) Competence Centre thus focuses on helping BBMRI-ERIC to bridge this gap with the implementation of big data storage in combination with data analysis and data federation using EGI federated cloud infrastructure.
Topic: FP7/2007-2013
Type of Action: IMI
Duration: 84 months
Start Date: 1 October 2009
BBMRI-ERIC full partner: as of 1 October 2015
Grant Agreement Nr: 115015
Coordinator: Mike Hardman
Total requested Grant by Consortium: €4,000,000.00
Total requested Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: €9,754.45
Linked Third Parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement: none
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: Education & training platform, IMI (Innovative Medicines Initiative)
EMTRAIN will establish a pan-European platform for education and training covering the whole lifecycle of medicines from basic research through clinical development to pharmaco-vigilance. The public consortium consists of the six pan-European biomedical research infrastructures from the ESFRI roadmap, that cover a broad spectrum of competencies from molecules to humans, with a pan-European dimension. The EFPIA consortium has considerable experience in training and education, management, pan-European geographical outreach, and an extensive external network of contacts. The participants, together with the coordinators of IMI&T topics will participate in the Strategic Co-ordination Board to ensure coordination between the IMI&T topics whereas the Steering Committee will supervise the management of the project. E&T (Education and Training) topics representatives will be invited to participate in work packages activities. Based on extensive mapping of existing resources and on a gap and overlap analysis (Work Package 3) the consortium will develop and implement a strategy for harmonisation and accreditation (Work Package 4) of Master level Work Package 5) and PhD programmes (Work Package 6) as well as continuous education programmes (Work Package 7). It will develop innovative concepts and methods in conjunction with the other topics (Work Package 8) that will support the content for the IMI education programmes. National implementation will be facilitated through contacts with university authorities, ministries of higher education, and through national liaison offices. After implementation in a core group of institutions, extension is planned both within countries represented and in additional countries (Work Package 4), with the support of a dissemination and communication activity (Work Package 9) The harmonisation and the modular nature of these programmes will allow trans-disciplinary curricula as well as trans-border mobility, and PhD programmes will be designed to foster industry/academia mobility and collaboration.
Topic: H2020-EINFRA-12-2017
Type of Action: RIA
Duration: 36 months
Start date: 1st January 2018
Grant agreement: 777536
Web: EOSC-Hub
Total request Grant by Consortium: € 33,376,631.75
Total request Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: € 25,625.-
Linked Third Parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement: none
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: Development of policies for sensitive human data to be hosted or processed in the European Open Science Cloud.
EOSC-hub builds on existing technology already at TRL 8 and addresses the need for interoperability by promoting the adoption of open standards and protocols. By mobilising e-Infrastructures comprising more than 300 data centres worldwide and 18 pan-European infrastructures, this project is a ground-breaking milestone for the implementation of the European Open Science Cloud. The result will be an integrated catalogue of services, software and data from the EGI Federation, EUDAT CDI, INDIGO-DataCloud and major research e-Infrastructures.
Topic: INFRA-2012-1.1.9
Type of Action: CP&CSA
Duration: 57 months
Start Date: 1 February 2013 – 31 October 2017
BBMRI-ERIC full partner: as of 1 April 2014
Coordinator: Markus Perola
Co-Coordinator: Gertjan van Ommen
Total requested Grant by Consortium: €8,000,000.00
Total requested Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: €14,552.00
Linked Third Parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement: none
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: BBMRI-LPC Forum, BBMRI-ERIC
Lead by UH-FIMM.
BBMRI-LPC unites the large study sets of the European Biobanking and Biomolecular resources Research Infrastructure (BBMRI) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), thus achieving a worldwide unique scale of integration.
Specifically, we aim to:
1. Evaluate/improve the harmonisation of individual data on health, lifestyle and other exposures;
2. Develop/implement harmonised definitions of diseases;
3. Improve biobanking and research technologies and develop innovative solutions facilitating high-quality, fair transnational access to samples and data;
4. Provide free transnational access by users, through study proposals selected by an open, pan-European call;
5. In the framework of these studies, generate and provide access to whole genome sequences, transcriptome, proteome, metabolome and methylome data;
6. Build new public-private partnerships involving large-scale prospective cohorts, and strengthening existing ones, allowing transparent industrial access to academic expertise;
7. Build a network transferring the expertise of established European large-scale biobanks to new biobank initiatives under development in other countries (BBMRI-LPC Forum).
Topic: INFRASUPP-6-2014
Type of Action: CSA
Duration: 36 months
Start Date: 1 July 2015
Grant Agreement Nr: 654404
Coordinator: Erik Bongcam-Rudloff
Total requested Grant by Consortium: €201,250.00
Total requested Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: €70,000.00
Linked Third Parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement: none
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: contacts to Africa, ELSI activities will be informative for the work of the Common Service ELSI
Lead by Sverige Lantbruksuniversitet
B3Africa (Bridging Biobanking and Biomedical Research across Europe and Africa) will dramatically improve and facilitate the development of better predictive, preventive and personalised healthcare worldwide. The rapidly evolving African biobanks are an invaluable resource: The African population has the greatest genomic diversity on the planet and represents an incredible resource of information to advance biomedical research. B3Africa aims to implement a cooperation platform and technical informatics framework for biobank integration between Africa and Europe. The collaboration harmonises the ethical and legal framework, biobank data representation and bioinformatiCommon Service pipelines for sharing data and knowledge among biobanks and allowing access for researchers from both continents.
Main actors from the relevant initiatives including Human Heredity and Health in Africa project (H3Africa), European Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources research infrastructure (BBMRI-ERIC) and LMIC Biobank and Cohort Network (BCNet) collaborate in B3Africa to address the following objectives:
B3Africa will provide the critical mass to maximise efficiency in biomedical research, supports defragmentation through integration and allows efficient leverage of existing biobanks and e-infrastructures in Europe and Africa. The technical informatics framework will be designed for easy upscaling and integration with other research infrastructures.
Topic: H2020-WIDESPREAD-2016-2017
Type of Action: CSA
Duration: 12 months
Start date: 1st September 2017
Grant agreement: 763677
Web: CETOCOEN Excellence
Total request Grant by Consortium: € 384,867.50
Total request Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: € 43,005.00
Linked Third Parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement: none
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: Developing methods for integrating biobanks with exposome data.
The aim of this project was to exploit research capacities built in Central Europe with support from the European Structural and Investment Funds and develop a cutting-edge research platform capable of addressing major scientific and societal challenges of contemporary Europe in the area of Environment and Health. It enhanced a scientific value of existing regional population studies and turned them into the accessible source of valuable information by developing sustainable biobanking platform and harmonizing their protocols, questionnaires, and standard operating procedures to allow for their joint assessment and interpretation of results. Existing research programmes were expanded to address questions related to a wider range of factors (generically called exposome) impacting human health and wellbeing. To identify new biomarkers of exposures, effects, and susceptibility to pathologies, innovative approaches to the assessment of multiple exposures were developed including omics technologies, novel methods for integrative analysis, software tools and computational models, chemical sensors and triggers allowing for tracing such processes in biological systems. This innovative research is well aligned with the European and national strategic priorities and documents (including the National Innovation Strategy), and will generate substantial new knowledge needed for prioritization of future research and policy actions in the area of chemical management as well as practical tools applicable in health protection, prevention, diagnostics, and intervention with the aim of minimising the burden of disease, improve the health and well-being of citizens and lower health costs.
Topic: H2020 -EINFRA-1-2014
Type of Action: RIA
Duration: 36 months
Start Date: 1 September 2015 Grant
Agreement Nr: 654241
Coordinator: Christoph Steinbeck
Total requested Grant by Consortium: €8,810,922.00
Total requested Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: € 145,076.00
Linked Third Parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement: none
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: proposal trying to organize the metabolomics community at the European level, and we are keen to do it in full synergy with BBMRI.
Lead by European Molecular Biology Laboratory
During the next 10 years, a significant number of the 742,000,000 European citizens will have their genome determined routinely. This will be complemented with much cheaper measurement of the metabolome of biofluids which will link the genotype with data on the exposome of patients, which for the first time enables the development of a truly personalised and hand tailored medicine based on hard scientific measurement.
Topic: INFRADEV-04-2016
Type of Action: RIA
Duration: 24
Start date: 1st January 2017
Grant agreement: 739563
Web: EOSCpilot
Total request Grant by Consortium: €9,953,067.50
Total request Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: €78,405.00
Linked Third Parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement: none
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: Development and piloting of policies of medical data sharing as a part of European Open Science Cloud.
Lead by Science and Technology Facilities Council: The EOSCpilot pro- ject will support the first phase in the development of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) as described in the EC Communication on European Cloud Initiatives [2016].
These actions will build on and leverage already available resources and capabilities from research infrastructure and einfrastructure organisations to maximise their use across the research community. The EOSCpilot project will address some of the key reasons why European research is not yet fully tapping into the potential of data. In particular, it will:
In this way, the EOSC pilot project will improve the ability to reuse data resources and pro- vide an important step towards building a dependable open-data research environment where data from publicly funded research is always open and there are clear incentives and rewards for the sharing of data and resources.
Topic: H2020 INFRASUPP-3
Type of Action: RIA
Duration: 48 months
Start Date: 1 September 2015
Grant Agreement Nr: 654156
Web: RItrain
Coordinator: Markus Pasterk
Total requested Grant by Consortium: €1,995,634
Total requested Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: €514,423.20
Linked Third Parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement: none
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: Coordinated by BBMRI-ERIC. Definition of required competences in distributed RIs throughout the lifecycle of an RI, from the initiation Preparatory Phase through to operational maturity.
Topic: FPA2016/EIT/EIT Health
Type of Action: FPA (external partner)
Duration: 12 months
Start Date: 1 January 2020
Grant Agreement Nr: 19456
Web: Biobanks Project | EIT Health
Coordinator: EIT Health
Total requested Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: €15,000.00
Linked Third Parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement: FPA2016/EIT/EIT Health
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: As an external project partner, BBMRI-ERIC’s role was to provide information about EU countries – how the landscape of biobanks and sample collections looked like in each country and what the local regulations for access were.
Topic: SC1-HCO-02-2016
Type of Action: CSA
Duration: 48 months
Start Date: 1 January 2017
Grant Agreement Nr: 733112
Coordinator: Uwe Oelmüller
Total requested Grant by Consortium: €1,999,972.50
Total requested Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: €100,673.75 (Headquarters Quality Service)
Linked Third Parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement: none
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: Standards for biobanks and reference centres, education and training programmes, industry-academia stakeholder workshop
Topic: H2020-INFRAIA-2016-2017
Type of Action: RIA
Duration: 54 months
Start Date: 1 February 2018
Grant Agreement Nr: 731105
Web: CORDIS Project Fact Sheet
Coordinator: Universita Degli Studi di Torino
Total requested Grant by Consortium: €5,156,198.75
Total requested Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: €70,558.75
Linked Third Parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement: none
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: Development of Levels of Assurance for authentication suitable for biomedical research applications.
Topic: SC1-HCC-06-2020 – Coordination and Support to better data and secure cross-border digital infrastructures building on European capacities for genomics and personalised medicine
Type of Action: CSA
Duration: 36 months
Start date: 1 June 2020
Grant agreement:951724
Total request Grant by Consortium: €4,000,000
Total request Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: €157,190.15
Linked Third Parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement: Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre (BMC –, Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI –, and Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens (BRFAA –
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: BBMRI-ERIC and its linked third parties contribute to WP2 (ELSI).
Topic: SC1-BHC-05-2018,International flagship collaboration with Canada for human data storage, integration and sharing to enable personalised medicine approaches
Type of Action: RIA
Duration: 48 months
Start date: 1 Jan 2019
Grant agreement: 825775
Total request Grant by Consortium: €5,998,456.25
Total request Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: €314,682.50
Linked Third Parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement: none
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: Ethical and legal governance framework for transnational data-sharing (WP7); outreach to, and engagement with, identified stakeholders; Development and delivery of training to fill major gaps
Topic: H2020-INFRAIA-2016-2017
Type of Action: RIA
Duration: 54 months
Start date: 1st February 2018
Grant agreement: 731105
Web: (not available)
Total request Grant by Consortium: € 5,156,198.75
Total request Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: € 70,558.75
Linked Third Parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement: none
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: Development of Levels of Assurance for authentication suitable for biomedical research applications.
Topic: INFRAEOSC-04-2018; Connecting ESFRI infrastructures through Cluster projects
Type of Action:
Duration: 54 months
Start date: 1 March 2019
Grant agreement: 824087
Total request Grant by Consortium: €23,745,996.25
Total request Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: € 1,144,288.75
Linked Third Parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement: UMCG, CRS4, MUG
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: Access to biobanks and biomolecular resources, access, data, ELSI, innovation, stakeholder analysis, communication & dissemination
Topic: INFRASUPP-01-2018-2019, Policy and international cooperation measures for research infrastructures
Duration: 48 months
Start date: 1 January 2019
Grant agreement: 823798
Total request Grant by Consortium: €1,495,281.25
Total request Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: €181,250.00
Linked Third Parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement: none
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: Coordination and project management, ethics requirements, building a stronger network, pooling know-how and best practices, streamlining communication
Topic: SC1-BHC-05-2018, International flagship collaboration with Canada for human data storage, integration and sharing to enable personalised medicine approaches
Type of Action: RIA
Duration: 48 months
Start date: 1 Dec 2018 -30 Nov 2022
Grant agreement: 825903
Total request Grant by Consortium: €5,395,292.00
Total request Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: €104,675.00
Linked Third Parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement: none
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: The role of BBMRI-ERIC in euCanSHare is to bring expertise in quality standards for data collection, presentation and evaluation, while ensuring its security and privacy, as well as the project communication and dissemination.
Topic: SC1-HCC-10-2020 Towards a Health research and innovation Cloud: Capitalising on data sharing initiatives in health research
Type of Action: RIA
Duration: 33 months
Start date: 1 March 2021
Grant agreement:965345
Total request Grant by Consortium: €2,999,975.00
Total request Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: €311,875.00
Linked Third Parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement: none
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: BBMRI-ERIC leads WP2 on “Ethical, Legal and Societal impact of cross-border health data access for cloud analysis”, WP6 on “Reference architecture for a FAIR health data portal” and contributes to WPs 1, 4, 5, 7, and 8.
Topic: INFRASUPP-01-2018-2019, Policy and international cooperation measures for research infrastructures
Type of Action: CSA
Duration: 36 months
Start date: 1 Feb 2019
Grant agreement: 824063
Total request Grant by Consortium: €1,500,000.00
Total request Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: €248,500.00
Linked Third Parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement: none
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: increase the international visibility of European RIs outside Europe
Topic: INFRAEOSC-03-2020 – Integration and consolidation of the existing pan-European access mechanism to public research infrastructures and commercial services through the EOSC Portal
Type of Action: RIA
Duration: 30 months
Start date: 1 April 2021
Grant agreement:101017536
Total request Grant by Consortium: €42,077,088.84
Total request Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: €262,062.50
Linked Third Parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement: CRS4
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: BBMRI-ERIC and CRS4 contribute to WP6 (Integration of Community Services and Products into EOSC)
Topic: SC1-BHC-05-2018, International flagship collaboration with Canada for human data storage, integration and sharing to enable personalised medicine approaches
Type of Action: RIA
Duration: 60 months
Start date: 1 Jan 2019
Grant agreement: 824989
Total request Grant by Consortium: €5,999,703.75
Total request Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: €399,326.25
Linked Third Parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement: none
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: EUCAN-Connect platform and collaborations will be coordinated through BBMRI-ERIC and Maelstrom Research (Canada) to sustain long-term benefits to science and citizens worldwide.
Topic: SC1-HCO-01-2018-2019-2020 Actions in support of the International Consortium for Personalised Medicine
Type of Action: CSA
Duration: 48 months
Start date: 1 Jan 2020
Grant agreement: 874694
Total request Grant by Consortium: €1,691,437.50
Total request Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: €219,687.50
Linked Third Parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement: none
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: BBMRI-ERIC is involved in WP1 (Mapping of PM policies and programmes in Europe and China), WP2 (Knowledge synthesis on the identification, transferability and scaling up of international standards in personalized medicine), WP3 (Foster research collaboration between EU and China) including leading Task 3.3 (Setting a concrete collaboration scenario on Biobanks), WP4 (Communication, dissemination, outreach and exploitation) and WP5 (Project Management)
Topic: HORIZON-INFRA-2021-EOSC-01-06 call
Duration: 36 months
Start date: 1 October 2021
Grant agreement: 101046203
Total request Grant by Consortium: €12,000,000
Total request Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: €1,051,947.75* (including for linked third parties)
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: BBMRI-ERIC will be participating alongside affiliated entities Institute of Molecular and Translational Medicine (IMTM), Czech Republic; University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG), the Netherlands; Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia, Italy (CRS4); University of Notthingham, UK; University of Milano-Bicocca (UNIMIB), Italy; and Istituto Nationale malattei infettive L.Spallanzani (INMI), Italy. BBMRI-ERIC will co-lead Work Package 4 on connecting the COVID-19 platform to analysis tools and local portal.
Topic: HORIZON-INFRA-2021-EOSC-01-06 call
Duration: 36 months
Start date: 1 October 2021
Grant agreement: 101046203
Total request Grant by Consortium: €12,000,000
Total request Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: €1,051,947.75* (including for linked third parties)
Linked Third Parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement:
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: BBMRI-ERIC will be participating alongside affiliated entities Institute of Molecular and Translational Medicine (IMTM), Czech Republic; University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG), the Netherlands; Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia, Italy (CRS4); University of Notthingham, UK; University of Milano-Bicocca (UNIMIB), Italy; and Istituto Nationale malattei infettive L.Spallanzani (INMI), Italy. BBMRI-ERIC will co-lead Work Package 4 on connecting the COVID-19 platform to analysis tools and local portal.
Topic: EU4H-2021-PJ-06 call “Action grants for developing a pilot project for an EU infrastructure ecosystem for the secondary use of health data for research, policy-making and regulatory purposes”
Duration: 24 months
Start date: 1 October 2022
Grant agreement: 101079839
Total request Grant by Consortium: €4,999,798.76
Total request Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: €606,121.83
Linked Third Parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement: Charité, MU
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: Leading WP7 (Regulatory and legal compliance) and WP8 (Data interoperability, quality, and protection); contributing in WP9 in a Cancer Genomics use case.
Topic: DT-TDS-05-2020 – AI for Health Imaging
Type of Action: RIA
Duration: 48 months
Start date: 1 October 2020
Grant agreement: 952103
Total request Grant by Consortium: € 9,994,358.50
Total request Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: €310,425.00
Linked Third Parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement: None
Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: BBMRI-ERIC improves the accessibility and interoperability of the existing comprehensive collections, either population-based or clinical-oriented, of biological samples from different (sub)populations of Europe. Combined with the expertise of the clinicians, pathologists, bio-informaticians, and molecular biologists involved, a globally unmatched, Europe-wide platform for translational medical research is envisaged with the aim to develop personalized medicine and disease prevention for the benefit of European citizens.
BBMRI-ERIC offers assistance on topics that are crucial in biobanking, such as informed consent and data protection amongst others, in order to promote compliance with regulatory requirements and best practice principles. As a consequence BBMRI-ERIC’s ELSI Services & Research contributes to the ethics and stakeholder-related tasks in EuCanImage (WP1, WP7).